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Huang He led the team to visit Ma Hui, Member of the Standing Committee of Liangshan Prefecture and Secretary of Xichang Municipal Party Committee

Date : 2022-04-18 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, Huang He led the team to visit Ma Hui, Member of the Standing Committee of Liangshan Prefecture and Secretary of Xichang Municipal Party Committee, fordiscussions and exchanges on regional key projects and further deepening cooperation. He Yanfeng, deputy secretary of the company's party committee and Zhang Yuangang, chief executive accountant attended the symposium.

At the symposium, both parties focused on the development cooperation and sufficiently conducted follow-up promotion plans of Xichang Three Rivers and Six Banks phase I Ecological Management Project, Xichang Wanao Hydropower Station, Xichang Anning River Agriculture and Tourism Project, as well as infrastructure, water conservancy and water environment and other fields within the city.

Ma Hui extended a warm welcome to the company team, and fully affirmed the company's operational effectiveness and work dedication in  Xichang area. He pointed out that PowerChina Chengdu and Xichang City had a pleasant historical cooperation anddeep relationship. It is worthy of appreciation and gratitude for the central enterprise responsibility and social responsibility shown by PowerChina Chengdu in the region. He also hoped that the company would give full play to its advantages in planning, design, investment and construction to assist the development of Xichang three rivers’ water ecology, urban construction, pumping and storage of new energy and other fields.

Huang He briefly reviewed the development history of the company in Xichang and expressed his sincere gratitude to the Xichang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their long-term support.

He said that Xichang area was an important strategic base for the company's regional market development and expansion, and also was one of the main battlefields for deepening reform and promoting development.

The company had always paid close attention to and actively participated in the development of Xichang City, and was committed to exploring the unique cooperation path between PowerChina Chengdu and Xichang City.

It would also make every effort to promote the establishment of regional high-end think tanks, provide local high-quality and long-term PowerChina Chengdu wisdom, and contribute to create a new business card for Xichang's ecologically civilized city.

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