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Lujiatan Park Won the Special Award for Rural Revitalization in the 12th Yuanye Cup

Date : 2022-04-26 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, the 12th Yuanye Cup Summit Forum and Yuanye Cup Professional Award Ceremony was held in Beijing. The main theme of the  forum is “Healthy, Livable and Low-carbon City. Lujiatan Park designed by the company won the Silver Award of the Special Award for Rural Revitalization.

Lujiatan is a country park among the 100 parks selected by accelerating the construction of beautiful and livable parks in Chengdu It is also the preliminary exploration and practice of “Tianfu Blue Network” in rural areas. Construction of the park started in November 2020, and it was completed and opened in November 2021. It has now ranked top 1 on the list of the most popular site  in Wenjiang District. As a check point on looking at the snow mountains, it is greatly loved and praised by publics

The company design team is based on the current situation of the water distribution, water discharge and other highlighted problems and shortcomings, and strives to solve problems such as ecological water use, flood control and drainage, water quality improvement and wetland conservation. The main efforts are made to coordinate and balance under the multi-objective system of building resource water network, safe water network, clean water network, ecological water network, smart water network and cultural water network in the area,organically integrated the field landscape and water ecological protection, and created a beautiful village integrating sightseeing, ecological leisure, production and life.

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