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The company appeared in the "Belt and Road" international image network publicity film

Date : 2023-10-18 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

From October 17 to 18, the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held in Beijing, and the international image of the Belt and Road was launched today the six official languages of the United Nations, including Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic online at the same time. POWERCHINAN Chengdu's young staff and projects are featured in the film.

The year 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. On the road of peace, prosperity, openness, green, innovation and civilization based on the principle of "sharing for all", POWERCHINAN Chengdu gives full play to its advantages. Active efforts have been made to build a large number of energy, electricity, water and environmental projects, such as Zhanatas Wind Farm in Kazakhstan, Gravnaya Hydropower Station in Tajikistan, Dasher Gandhi Sewage Treatment Plant in Bangladesh, and Pakistan, the fourth phase of the Tantabera project and the assistance to Cuba's solar power plant, etc. These practical cooperation projects have "taken root" and "blossomed and brought fruit", and written the POWERCHINAN Chengdu 's answer paper for promoting high-quality cooperation in the Belt and Road Initiative.



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