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The Company Has Obtained the Highest Level of Ability Verification of Provincial Inspection and Testing Institutions

Date : 2023-10-27 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, in the "2023 Provincial Inspection and Testing Organization Capability Verification" organized by Sichuan Market Supervision Administration, the Company obtained the satisfaction evaluation of achievement, which is the highest level of this capability verification evaluation.

The competence verification of inspection and testing institutions refers to the management means for inspecting whether the technical competence of inspection and testing institutions continuously meets the qualification conditions and requirements by means of inter-laboratory comparison, which is sponsored by the national or provincial market supervision administration. This year, Sichuan Market Supervision Administration organized more than 1000 laboratories in the province to carry out capacity verification activities. The Research Institute of Engineering & Testing Research Institute of Survey & Design Branch shall register to participate in this verification work, and relevant technical personnel shall arrange to receive samples in an orderly manner, and record and upload the original data, test photos, reports and equipment verification certificates in a real and objective manner within the specified time according to the operation instructions.

According to the regulations, the inspection and testing institutions with qualified competence verification results may be exempted from the on-site assessment of the project when they accept the qualification accreditation review of the inspection and testing institutions within two years (end of 2026), and the market regulatory authorities may entrust, authorize or designate the inspection and testing tasks. Priority shall be given to the inspection and testing institutions with qualified competence verification results to provide technical services.

The capacity verification of the inspection and testing organization has maintained the CMA qualification of the Company, demonstrated the professional technical ability and rigorous work style of the technical personnel of the Company, and also contributed to further strengthening the quality awareness, improving quality control and enhancing management efficiency. Ensure the efficient promotion and standard operation of the inspection project.

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