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He Yanfeng Led the Team to Visit Datang Sichuan Company

Date : 2023-10-30 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

On October 30, He Yanfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager (in charge of the overall work) of the Company, led a team to visit Datang Sichuan Power Generation Co., Ltd., and had a discussion with Zhao Ziang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board and General Manager of the Company. Huang Hanyi, Deputy General Manager of Datang Sichuan Company, Zhang Shishu, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of Trade Union, and Zhao Xiaofeng, Deputy General Manager, attended the discussion.

He Yanfeng congratulated Datang Sichuan Company on its reform and development achievements in recent years and thanked it for its long-term trust and support to the Company. He said that the company has rich practical experience and strong technical strength in the fields of clean energy such as hydropower, photovoltaic and wind power, and is willing to provide better services for the high-quality development of Datang Sichuan Company, and make due contributions to the realization of the "double carbon" goal. He hoped that the two sides would further strengthen cooperation and exchange. He stressed that the company will further optimize the allocation of resources, fully cooperate with Datang Sichuan Company to promote the construction of relevant projects, and hand over the answers that can stand the test of history and market.

Zhao Ziang welcomed He Yanfeng and his party. He recalled the experience of fighting side by side with the company in Changheba Hydropower Station and Huangjinping Hydropower Station, and pointed out that Datang Sichuan Company and the company had established a deep friendship in the field operations, and they were very relieved about the company's ability and quality. He said that he has full confidence in the new cooperation between Datang Sichuan Company and the company, an old friend of more than 20 years, in the field of new energy and pumped storage, and hopes that the relevant projects will send good news as soon as possible.

The two sides emphatically discussed the future cooperation direction and development mode in the fields of new energy and pumped storage, and reached important consensus on the cooperation of a series of key projects. They also expressed that they would take this exchange as an opportunity to further establish a sound cooperation and communication mechanism to ensure the realization of the cooperation goal of high-quality development of new energy and pumped storage business.

Hu Xiao, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company, Zhang Yong, Assistant to the General Manager; relevant responsible persons of Datang Sichuan Company Office, Investment Development Department, Engineering Construction Department, Ganzi Company and Xiangcheng (Derong) Company; main responsible persons of Xichang Branch, Survey and Design Branch, New Energy Engineering Branch and Ertan International participated in the meeting.

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