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The Phase II PPP Project of "Livable Water Bank" in Wuhou District of Chengdu Won the 2023 IFLA Award for Excellence in Landscape Architecture in Asia-Pacific Region

Date : 2023-11-27 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, the International Federation of Landscape Architects the Asia Pacific Region announced the awards for the 2023 IFLA Asia Pacific Landscape Architecture Awards at its annual conference. According to the website, the awards were received there are three awards: Outstanding Award, Excellent Award and Honorable Award. The Chaoyin Water Bank Project (Phase II PPP Project of "Livable Water Bank", Wuhou District, Chengdu, China) submitted by the Company stands out from the competition and wins the prize Award for excellence in IFLA parks and open spaces.

International Federation of Landscape Architects it is the most influential academic organization in the international landscape architecture industry under the guidance of UNESCO. The IFLA Asia Pacific Landscape Architecture Award, also known as it is the highest level professional design award in Asia Pacific organized by IFLA, providing an international platform for displaying and promoting the works of landscape architects in Asia Pacific. This prestigious award aims to raise awareness of landscape design with like-minded partners and professionals who play a key role in shaping our urban environment.

Chaoyin Water Bank Park is located outside Caojin Overpass in Wuhou District, Chengdu City, adjacent to Chaoyin Road in the west and Huangyan River in the east, and is the core landscape node of Phase II PPP Project of "Livable Water Bank" in Wuhou District. Its design concept is to create the first flexible water park in Wuhou District, which can provide residents and tourists with riverbank view and wetland water. Through the construction of different landscape spaces, the service concept of enterprises for the society and the value of the park can be better transmitted. The project also stood out from a number of projects, won the 13th Yuanye Cup Municipal Garden Award in the category of ecological landscape gold award, adding luster to the company and group brand honor.

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