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He Shunbin Won the Title of "Great Power Craftsman Around China's Energy Chemistry Geological System" Title

Date : 2023-11-27 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, the list of the 9th season "Great Power Craftsman around" learning and publicity activities selected by China Energy Chemistry and Geology Union was announced. Comrade He Shunbin, Deputy Chief Engineer of China Power Construction Capital Institute, was successfully selected and won the honorary title of "Great Power Craftsman around".

He Shunbin has been engaged in the design and management of hydropower projects for more than 30 years, participated in the design and management of more than 30 large and medium-sized hydropower projects, and is currently in charge of the construction of major strategic projects in tibet, with excellent professional theoretical knowledge and rich practical construction experience. It has solved a series of key technical problems such as the construction of deep overburden extra-high earth-rock dam in strong earthquake area and the connection type of concrete cut-off wall and dam body cut-off body, etc. Remarkable comprehensive benefits have been obtained, and the application prospect is broad. It has made outstanding contributions to the development of national clean energy cause. "

The successful appraisal of this title shows the achievements made by the Company in vigorously promoting the construction of high-quality and cutting-edge talents, which will inspire the employees of the Company to glow their labor enthusiasm, release their creative potential, strive to be skilled talents, skilled craftsmen and craftsmen in a big country, and contribute their wisdom and strength to promote the high-quality development of the Company. +

China Energy Chemistry and Geology Trade Union has launched the recommended study and publicity campaign of "Great Power Craftsman around" in the national energy chemistry and geology system, aiming at thoroughly promoting the implementation of the construction of industrial workers in the new era, vigorously promoting the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, and building the brand of Great Power Craftsman.

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