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All Suspension Cable Bridges of Mengdigou Hydropower Station Are Open to Traffic

Date : 2023-12-05 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, the company designed the pre-construction project of Mengdigou Hydropower Station, four cable-way bridges across the river-No. 2 temporary bridge, No. 3 temporary bridge, No. 4 temporary bridge and Mengdigou temporary bridge were successfully opened to traffic, ending the history that materials and personnel can only be transported by ships. It marks that the important passage connecting Ba-Meng Highway and the highway along the Yangtze River has been opened, effectively solves the difficult problem of crossing the Yangtze River on both banks, greatly improves the construction efficiency of the traffic engineering on both banks in the early stage, and lays a solid foundation for the traffic engineering on the left and right banks and the main works construction in the later stage, which is of milestone significance.

Suspension cable bridge is an important control node project of river-crossing traffic in the early stage of Mengdigou Hydropower Station, and the company undertakes the design work of four cableway bridges and their connecting roads. The dam site area of Mengdigou Hydropower Station has steep valley slopes on both banks, strong mountains, with a relative height difference of more than 1000 meters, and most of them are cliffs and cliffs, which are typical V-shaped valleys of high mountains. The traffic conditions are the most difficult projects in the Yalong River Basin in which the power stations are under construction and have been built. In the early stage of survey and design and construction of the four suspension bridges, the professional technical personnel of the company carry forward the spirit of not fearing fatigue and hardship, not fearing cliffs and river turbulence, overcome difficulties and challenges, and closely cooperate with all parties involved in the construction. High quality technical services are provided to ensure smooth connection of 4 suspension bridges, which is well received by all parties involved in the construction.

Mengdigou Hydropower Station is the fifth step in the seven-step development scheme in the middle reaches of Yalong River. The dam type is concrete double-curvature arch dam with the maximum dam height of 198 meters and installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts. It is a strategic supporting project for the development of hydropower in the middle reaches of Yalong River. At present, the permanent bridge project of Mengdigou Hydropower Station across the river is progressing in an orderly way, and the construction progress meets the requirements of node objectives. In the next step, the Company will continue to play a leading role in design, ensure the smooth implementation of the Babolong Bridge and Mengdigou Bridge under construction, and show the Company's strong strength and good image in the design field with high-quality performance.

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