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The Company's Space Park Project Won the Silver Award for Cultural, Tourism and Landscape at the 15th Zhurong Award

Date : 2023-09-15 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

Recently, the aerospace park project of the first phase of the "Ecological Governance" project on the three rivers and six banks of the East and West Seas in Xichang City, designed and constructed by the company, underwent three months of intense competition and won the silver medal in cultural, tourism, and landscape in the 15th CBDA Lighting Application Design Competition (Zhurong Award) National Finals.

The Zhurong Award (CBDA Lighting Application Design Competition) was officially launched by the China Building Decoration Association in 2009 and has been successfully held for 15 times. It is one of the earliest design competitions in China that is committed to promoting and popularizing lighting design and energy-saving concepts nationwide.

The Aerospace Park project is located at the intersection of Xihe and Nan'an Rivers in Xichang City, with a total area of 250000 square meters. The design concept of the Aerospace Park comes from the three-step strategy of "circling, falling, and returning" of China's lunar exploration project. The current phase of the project mainly tells the story of lunar exploration. The Earth Around Square, Moon Around Bridge, and Tengfei Tower jointly simulate the launch trajectory of Chang'e-1. The Tengfei Tower is 44.86 meters high, taken from the height of the "Golden Rocket" Long March 3 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Its appearance resembles the roaring tail flame emitted by the rocket during takeoff, and the two twisted aluminum plates symbolize military and civilian support, Xichang and Wenchang's One Heart Two Games, Beidou, Chang'e Mother Harbor, and the intersection of the two rivers. Xichang Aerospace Park is a cultural and tourism integrated "aerospace city card" created by the Xichang Municipal Party Committee and Government, as well as the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, under the background of the construction of a military civilian dual support city in Xichang. After the opening of the park, it has quickly become a new landmark of the world-renowned "Space City" in Xichang.

The theme of the night view design of the Aerospace Park is "Flowing Light Fantasy, Cohesion and Support", expressing cohesion, soaring, and embracing with dazzling lighting, highlighting the cultural connotation of military civilian support. The night scene brilliance interpretation makes the landscape design more dynamic, simulating the spectacular scene of rocket launch and takeoff as a whole, allowing tourists to feel the charm of the Space City in the urban area of Xichang. The landscape tower's double curved projection deduces a 12 minute aerospace themed projection light show, telling the story of Xichang's aerospace industry through four major chapters: pursuing dreams, guiding spirit, striving for miracles, and shining dreams. After the project was lit, it received praise from all walks of life, and major media outlets such as Learning Power and CCTV have successively promoted and reported on the Aerospace Park. Xichang has released the promotion title of "Liangshan New Landmark" as the park. This year's Space Day is also held here. On November 5, 2022, Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang and Tang Hongbo brought "Little Astronauts" to the park to watch a light performance show and convey the spirit of aerospace to the "Little Astronauts".

The construction of Xichang Aerospace Park and the support of lighting have made tourists feel the shock of a great power, stimulated patriotism in people's hearts, and planted a small seed of aerospace dream in the hearts of young people. At the same time, it also demonstrated the company's comprehensive strength in the field of water environment business, strengthened the company's market competitiveness, and laid a solid foundation for further expanding the water environment market in the future.

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