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China Global Television Network (CGTN) Reports on the Company's Construction of the Largest Sewage Treatment Plant in South Asia

Date : 2023-09-04 Size : [ Large Medium Small ] Share

On September 4th, China Global Television Network (CGTN) reported on the largest modern sewage treatment plant in South Asia and the first in Bangladesh - the Dasher Gandhi sewage treatment plant. Ren Ruike, the project manager of the company, served as a guest speaker to explore the story of major projects on the "the Belt and Road" benefiting partner countries.

Dashergandi Sewage Treatment Plant was born under the "Bangladesh China India Myanmar Economic Corridor" and the "the Belt and Road" initiative. On October 14, 2016, in front of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh, loan agreement was signed for Dasher Gandhi sewage treatment plant project. The project officially started on August 1, 2017, with POWERCHINA Chengdu undertaking the design, procurement, construction, and operation and maintenance work. This project is the first large-scale sewage treatment international EPC turnkey project executed by China Power Construction Corporation. The construction of the project is difficult and the construction period is tight. Thousands of builders from China and Bangladesh work together to overcome the impact of dengue fever, COVID-19 and other diseases, and the project will be officially put into operation in April 2022. The completion ceremony of the Dasher Gandhi sewage treatment plant project in July 2023 was grandly held at the Bangladeshi International Convention Center, and the project received high praise from the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina.

Since the operation of the sewage treatment plant, a total of 190 million tons of sewage have been treated. The effluent quality and smoke emission indicators for sludge incineration purification are better than the contract standards. The once foul water river along the surrounding area is now clear and the banks are green, and tourists are flocking.

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